Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

You Dont Want Divorce 3 Ways To Stop It

Things aren’t going well, but you don’t want divorce to end your relationship. What can you do?  If you don’t want divorce there are three specific things you can do to stop it.
These tips won’t work in every situation—some relationships are too far gone. But most relationships start having troubles long before they reach this point, thankfully.
When you don’t want divorce but your partner does, try being quiet for a while.Just don’t say anything. Stop complaining. The worst thing you can do is to carry on about how you don’t want to get divorced.
You can let your partner know that you don’t want the divorce. And that’s about all you can do. Perhaps you could reassure them that couples go through this kind of thing all the time and are still together today. Just don’t do it more than once.
If you carry on and carry on about how you want to stay together, you’ll probably just annoy your partner, making it less likely for him to be open to the idea of staying together. The whole point is to make yourself extra desirable to your partner again.
It’s unlikely he or she finds you particularly desirable when you’re complaining and whining about inconsequential things. That tendency to complain and even nag may have had something to do with why the relationship broke up in the first place, remember.
You want to show your very best side to your partner at all times. When you started dating this person, you were probably on your own very best behavior. Everyone does that to win a mate’s heart. Then as things start to stagnate a little because the mate is won and there’s no need to compete with others anymore, the tendency to whine and complain begins.
Stop this immediately and go back to your very best “going to win them” courting behavior. That is often such a switch from the way things were in the beginning, that it seems almost too good to be true.
Going hand in hand with taking care not to complain or nag is learning to simply be agreeable. We tend to take our partner for granted and when he or she suggests something we’re not happy with, we make it known. If we do that too often it can start to seem to our partner that they can’t do or say anything right!
If you don’t want divorce then learn to agree with your partner even when you don’t want to. That might sound a little extreme, but you’re in rescue mode right now. You just want to do everything you can to save the marriage. It doesn’t’ mean that you’ll never be able to disagree with them for the rest of your life.
You need to learn to not whine, to agree and to do it all with a smile on your face. If you don’t want divorce you’ll have to do these things for at least a little while.
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By Steven Manner

Find out how to improve your memory and your life will become a lot easier. You can easily increase your memory and boost your brain power. There are a few steps you should follow in order to attain the memory you want.

If you are trying to study for an exam try to have a good sleep every night. While you sleep your brain cells are recovering and they are working to arrange the new information. This is a good reason to repeat you lesson once or twice before going to bed. You will be surprised to see in the morning how good you remember.

Some students prefer to study during the night but this is not recommendable. All the work you memorized will be lost in a short time. Your body needs a lot of rest, so does your brain.

Try to write on a piece of paper everything you need to remember in that week. Writing is one of the best tips for improving your memory. The act of writing the information helps to reinforce the memory of it. Youll succeed to memorize quicker by concentrating only to what youre writing.

Remember that you need to concentrate on what you are studying. You can study only for 30 minutes but make sure that during that time you will not think at anything else. Dont stop to watch TV or to talk on the phone.

Read aloud the lesson you wish to learn. This way your brain will better retain the information. When you are doing this exercise make sure that you are alone in the room. You cant listen to music or have the TV on during this time.

When you try to learn a new road you should look around. You see some interesting shops or buildings. Next time you will remember the road because of those buildings. Your visual memory is the most powerful. You can use visual memory for almost anything.

To improve your memory you could try to relate the new information to things you already know. For example when you are studying a lesson try to find a connection with another lesson that you know already. This will help you remember everything a lot easier.

With a positive attitude and a lot of concentration you can improve your memory. Try to focus on the things you wish to learn. Use all your senses to remember things. - 30535

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